I hope all is well with you today as you read my post. I want you to know despite the following statements sounding cliche, they are true. YOU are the author of your story. YOU are the co-creator of your life. Life is what YOU make it. As you evolve, things will become more clear. Some things you can only understand through time and living.
Disclaimer: Before I begin, I want you to understand that I am writing from my own experience, understanding, and beliefs. My goal isn’t to force them on you but, my hope is that they resonate and bring you peace.
The hardest critique you will ever have will be yourself, not even God. Many were taught to believe that God is wrathful and judgemental. God is love. He doesn’t have to be judge, jury, and executioner because you do it to yourself. Add the laws of Karma…there is no need for him to. However, if you believe God is some omnipresent being full of vengeance and pettiness, I will not argue with you. It isn’t my job because this is your journey. You came here to live your own story, learn your own lessons, and come to your own determinations.
In just a few plus years… short of four decades of living, I have watched so many people inflict so much trauma onto themselves. They live in a constant hell loop that could be turned around with one decision. The decision never comes because the root of the issue that has brought them to their self constructed house of terror has not been addressed. Decisions…decisions…decisions, and finally determination. I could go on all day about that but… let’s get to me. Afterall, you are reading this to further understand a bit of who I am, how I think,or maybe your motive is something entirely different that I am not privy to. Whatever your motivation…let’s be like the Backyardigans and get in to the thick of it!
I have reflected over my life and realized that both sides of my family, the reason for my existence, and the first examples of what navigating life looks like are very judgemental. Their environments were judgemental. The company they kept for the most part were judgemental. Their “spiritual endoctrination” is judgemental. Their understanding and perception of life (to this day) are both sheltered and narrow. As irritating as this was growing up, I now realize how necessary this was for my life so that I could become who I am today. Both their learned behavior and continuous choice to put on the goggles of fear and judgement helped me to grow.
You can’t experience joy without having experienced sorrow…its opposition. You won’t know peace unless you know chaos. You wont strive for good unless you know what is perceived to be “bad”. I could never understand why the people I know to be my family had so much to say about others, especially when it comes to their relationships with our creator. Who could know the relationship with the divine of another? That thing is personal. As always, those that have so much to say about others are a mess and insecure themselves.
Outside of what I do for my business and entertainment, I truthfully could care less about what people do. My only desire is that people gain tolerance, remain peaceful, and consider one another. These are my wishes because we are all connected. We all share one energy force which is source (God, creator, etc.,). Depending on ones actions, others can suffer the consequences both unknowingly and unwillingly. Discernment should not be mistaken for judgement however. For example, I may not judge you for being a crackhead but, I will use discernment and keep you out of my home. More than likely, you steal. On your part, it wouldn’t be malicious. It would be a means to an end. That end for you would be to get high. Despite the intent, I won’t take pleasure in my belongings being stolen, and it would very much piss me off. In short, discernment is needed as a safeguard…a form of protection if you will. You should take the love approach with everyone but don’t allow love to become ingested dummy gas.
Throughout my life, I have come in contact with so many people from all walks of life, beliefs, and situations. Many individuals as such have lived with me. Considering the channels/people we come through to get here…you must know many of your personality traits, ideals, and perceptions are like your people. If you notice there are issues with those traits, you must come to an understanding through living to change them. I have always been different from my family but, that is still my family. My biggest teacher known as life has helped me come to an understanding that many still do not have. The ways of my people provoked me to think outside of the box. I had questions that led to discovery. Different individuals have come in and out of my life and have taught me so much. Even now, all of my friends/associates are vastly different and I like it that way.
Spirit holds one of my hands while life’s journey holds the other. It is all quite amazing when I look back at things. If you are stuck, it is because you choose to be a victim and not a victor. You look at life as something that has happened to you instead of for you. You lack understanding that everything is working to the greatest and your highest good. Once you learn the lesson that was meant to be gained out of the trauma and pain you have insured, you can go forth applying it to your life, not allowing it to have a hold on to you. Earth is a school…nothing more…nothing less.
Trauma and lessons can become like a bunch of miscellaneous items in your home. If the things in your home are not put to productive use, they will eventually just pile up and become clutter. If the clutter is not removed, you eventually begin to live like a hoarder. Have you seen the houses of the people on the show “Hoarders”? That is how you become spiritually if you do not analyze, filter, learn, and apply your life lessons. This is why individuals are bitter and depressed. Then they get stuck in a spin cycle of trauma and depression because their mind continues to project and attract confusion. Without learning and applying, you remain a victim.
I have learned so much from others like tolerance, compassion, understanding and I am grateful. What is sitting in your emotional cache that you have not analyzed, learned from, and applied? Remember, you are your biggest critique. Apply these lessons so you can move on. I know I have.
I love you all. Thank you for reading.