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The Devil Wears Red Lingerie – The demise of Mr. Lowdown

A fictional story of lust, passion, and revenge

“OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE??!!!” There is no coming back from this but… this double crossing…double talking…double dipping…funky….low down…lying…dirty bitch had it coming. I just signed, sealed and delivered his one way ticket to HELL. 


These thoughts are racing violently through my head as I wipe the blood splatter from my forehead and  face… My body’s convulsing from adrenaline as my chest caves and rises from exhaustion… I struggle to center myself. “GET A GRIP” are the words screaming at me in my head. I take 3 deep breaths to gain control and find myself laughing of pure satisfaction as I stand over your soon to be corpse, watching your life slip away. It is quite poetic actually. In the end it was just you and I, all alone. You chose this moment. I am quite sure it is in your life contract. I am just playing my part. In this case, I became” the devil you know”. You never saw it coming. In the end, This “rabbit” got the gun but a gunshot would have been too merciful for you. You needed to feel this. I wish I could get the answer of how it feels to be powerless. What is it like having your life slowly slip away while wanting to scream but can’t? What is the magnitude of such terror? I proceed to spit on his ass and say “tell your God I said hello”.


Now, you are probably wondering what the hell happened. Let me explain…


It was six months ago when I met “Mr. Lowdown” on the East side after leaving “Mr. Unworthy”. I call him ‘Mr. Lowdown” because he ended up being on the down low.  “Unworthy”, was a dysfunctional specimen who earned his name honestly.  We would be having a great day and then he would start some nonsensical argument. I damn near saw him pull one of these ridiculous arguments out of his anal cavity. If it would have been a sword, the fool would have bled out. That is how outrageous and unfounded these bullshit arguments would be. This particular day, he thought he had hoodwinked me but… little did he know, very soon, he was going to be bamboozled from the houdini disappearing act I was about to pull. He was so unnecessary. All he had to do was be honest. Many would rather die on a hill of lies than to be honest with themselves, let alone anyone else.


Back to “Lowdown”. I am driving down Van Dyke and I hear a male voice yelling “hey pretty lady” from the car driving next to me. He motions me to pull over, and like a dummy, I comply. He gets out of the car, asks for my number while continuing the compliments. After about three minutes of small talk, we went our separate ways. I should have never answered the phone for this fool but curiosity kills the cat. Ironically, he lost his life.


The first time I met up with “Lowdown”, I was totally ignorant to the fact that he was living in an apartment complex known for the gay community with another man. I found out the complex was strongly inhabited by the gay community later on.  He told me this man was his cousin. At the time, I had no reason not to believe what he was telling me. I did notice his interaction with me was strange but, I took more of a mental note than placing judgment on what happened that night.


“Lowdown” and I met up again. He leaned in to kiss me and it was awkward AF! I don’t know how to describe it. It seemed like his essence morphed into the feminine but, this was yet something else I tossed to the back of my mind. 


We hung out a good amount of occasions and he would always have strange guys around.  Another incident occurred at this house he shared with his male friends. I popped up on him at a later date and one of his friends let me in. “Lowdown” was held up in a room with one of the guys and wouldn’t come out. The guy he was in the room with always acted strange when I was around. Hell…all the guys did truthfully. He went off on me for popping up and this set my alarms off. It was clear to me that he wasn’t going off on me about boundaries, it was like he didn’t want to get caught up. Now, this same fool used to always say to me in this girly voice “my hair is longer than yours”. What heterosexual man does that? 


One night after fooling around, I noticed he had a lot of Victoria’s Secret shit in his room. He gets up and walks away, covering his ass, asking me not to look at it. Now that I think about it, I wonder if he was hiding a pothole back there. 


Now, none of this compares to what I am about to tell you. I met this man at 2:00 a.m at his crib. We began to fool around and then his phone began to ring. It was another so-called “cousin” he claimed needed his help with a computer issue. He told me that if he didn’t leave,  his “cousin” would be mad at him. MAD AT YOU? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT??? WHAT TYPE OF BULLSHIT ARE YOU TWO ON AND WHY AM I EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS?! I began to add up everything I witnessed that I have explained and haven’t explained. I got the message! I am furious now. His sexual preference wasn’t the issue for me. The issue is dishonesty. Then, the wind tunnel of thoughts began. Why go out of your way to include me in this madness? Why didn’t I pick up on this sooner? He isn’t even that important? What the hell is happening? All of this is racing in my mind as I am trying to keep my face from reflecting my feelings. 


I proceeded to get in my car and leave but I really didn’t go anywhere. I circled the block to find a hiding spot where I could see him leave. He had no idea that we were about to play a game of follow the leader that night. Within 10 minutes a white SUV pulls up. Shortly after, “Lowdown” comes out of the house and hops in. They pull off. I allow them a little distance and then I pull off. I follow them to a house about 15 minutes away. As they pull into the driveway, I park four houses down and watch them go inside. This house was on the corner. It was positioned in a way that I could see the sun porch. Lucky for me, I keep a pair of binoculars in my car. 


After about 10 minutes of waiting, “Lowdown” and his so-called “cousin” comes and sits on the sun porch. Neither one of these mufuckas even had so much as a laptop with them. They begin to have a mild conversation. The “cousin” begins to undo “Lowdown’s” pants and proceeds to put his hand to work. Needless to say, Mr. Down low is enjoying every bit of his genital and shaft massage and looking forward to the happy ending. Now, the non related son of a bitch switches from giving a hand massage to an oral massage and I simultaneously become sick to my stomach. I gathered myself, back upped into the driveway nearby, and pulled off going in the opposite direction. 


My mind had switched into revenge and just like my car, it raced all the way home. It was that night that the devil paid me a visit, asking if I wanted assistance with this travesty. I accepted the offer. I would willingly open up my energy field and allow such an entity to enter to get this job done. Only one that holds vibrations lower than the gutter could execute this task perfectly. According to my watch, this fool’s time was up. The mastered energy of calamity and darkness would be needed. 


A couple of weeks pass by before “Down low” calls me, giving me enough time to pre-meditate his demise. He apologized for our last time together and wanted to make it up to me. He invited me to a lake house by the water for the weekend and I agreed to meet him. This was perfect! Friday night comes and I drive up to the lake house. I show up with my hair flowing, red lipstick, red heels, a trench coat covering up red lingerie, and an overnight bag. This two-timing son of a bitch meets me at the door. I flash him a warm smile and he is none the wiser.  “Down low” leads me to this well thought out picnic set up in the yard by a lit fire pit. I thought to myself, not bad for a deceitful funky bitch. Too bad tonight will be your last. 


We sat and began to talk and chuckle as we drank wine. I allowed an hour to go by so that he could get comfortable. He excused himself to go to the bathroom.I came with a couple of bottles of wine to contribute, so I stopped him and asked him to go grab a bottle opener from the kitchen while he was in there. I needed time and opportunity to slip these pills into his drink. He came back outside and sat down. We began drinking and talking again. I had been pacing myself this whole time and I made sure I had food on my stomach before I arrived. I couldn’t risk becoming too intoxicated. I needed to be on my A game.


As we were talking, I noticed he began to become a little woozy. I began to take off my trench coat and slid closer to him. I placed a knife under the blanket earlier while he was in the house so it would be ready when I needed it. It was at this moment, the entity of calamity and distorted darkness arrived in a timely manner, tapping me on my shoulder, asking my permission to take over. I give my permission and let it take the driver seat of my soul. 


I climbed on top of “Lowdown/Down low” as if to straddle him and began to gently kiss his neck. I am chuckling on the inside because this wine and pills have him gone. As I hold onto him with my left arm, I use my right hand to grab the knife. I continue to kiss all over his neck and chest and then I plunge the knife through the right side of his rib cage igniting my rage. He lets out a garbled scream and falls on his back due to being heavily intoxicated. I continue to brutally stab him several more times until I came back to consciousness. 



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