I don’t plan for this to go viral. Most people are simplistic… and what I have to say could possibly miss or confuse many. Let me introduce myself in a very direct and condensed way that I have never done before.
My name is Racquel Shelby and I am not for everyone and I am good with that. I consider this to be a positive thing… being exclusive that is. No one truly values a pass around. I even have a marriage license to prove I belong to somebody and he to me. The best kept secrets are the true treasure.
I have many sides to myself and all of them are authentic to who I am. The part of me that is presented depends on the time, mood, or situation. But at all times I am still me and true to who I am. I have created a variety of content and they match up with who I am…my versatility. I am not a box, nor do I live in…or try to fit into one while giving the algorithm hell. If you watch anything from me, I hope you find value, information, healing, and or entertainment from it. I appreciate your time and support and hope you continue to go along for the show.
I created Racqi Road TV specifically for me to personally dive deep and fellowship with people all over the world…conversing about their earthly soul journey and sharing it with you along the way. We will discuss the complexities, the supernatural, and the divinity of life.
The vision for Racqi Road TV is real life tv with substance. The soul journey and its evolution of consciousness. When we can relate and understand one another…we can learn, evolve, laugh, and share love amongst one another.
I give gratitude, reverence, and respect to the most high divine creator, celestials, and those who come before me that are of my direct bloodline. I give respect to mother earth because she is strong and endures much while playing a part in our transformation and evolution. I also give my respect to the remaining of the five elements…air…fire…water…and spirit because nature and its breath is a force deserving nothing less.
And before I sign off …I need you to know this…you can never fully unplug from the matrix as long as you have a radio, tv, and most importantly…a cell phone. But we should all continue to feverishly strive to be like Neo… unplug and shut this MF down.
Melanin is the true currency, and nothing moves, spends, or trends without it! Thank you everyone…until the next video.